Vitamalz / Campaign 2013
Dein Bus, Deine Tour, Dein Vitamalz.
For Germany’s most popular malt refreshment, a winning promotion lasting several weeks is to be developed, dealing with the topic of recreational sports and thus inspiring the brand’s supporters both on the website and its Facebook presence. It should give an incentive to take part several times and offer highly attractive prizes for its fans. Furthermore, a poster campaign and a concept for public transportation advertising was to be developed and designed.
For the “original’s” large fan community, .PEPPERZAK. created the big Vitamalz Tour winning contest. For a period of 5 weeks, questions regarding selected bicycle tours all over Germany had to be answered. In cooperation with the Germany bicycle association ADFC, five high-quality routes were chosen and presented during the contest. Participants and amateur cyclists were rewarded with interesting additional information on the tours. And they could win 5 ADFC annual memberships as well as 5 ultimate cream bicycles from Univega. Since the tours and questions changed every week, people were encouraged to visit the site more often. .PEPPERZAK. created a 18/1 large-scale poster, which, under the motto “Dein Sport, Deine Tour, Dein Vitamalz”, advertised the winning contest and recommended Vitamalz as a refreshing beverage for sports enthusiasts. But Vitalmalz is more than just a popular refreshment, it’s a way of life. That is why .PEPPERZAK. created advertisements for buses based on a new communication concept: Vitamalz ist THE beverage to keep your driving license! No alcohol on the road – an important message being announced by Vitamalz buses in 10 German cities for a duration of 13 months.
Image campaign
Online winning contest
Food & Beverages
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